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AIIMS CRE Post Recruitment Online Apply Form 2023 || अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान भर्ती ऑनलाइन आवेदन फॉर्म 2023

AIIMS CRE Post Recruitment Online Apply Form 2023
अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान भर्ती ऑनलाइन आवेदन फॉर्म 2023

अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान (एम्स), नई दिल्ली एम्स के अलावा अन्य भाग लेने वाले एम्स की ओर से 3092 रिक्तियों के लिए नियमित गैर-संकाय समूह-बी और सी पदों के लिए एम्स (सीआरई एम्स) 2023 के लिए आम भर्ती परीक्षा के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित करता है। नई दिल्ली।

सभी पात्र और इच्छुक पुरुष और महिला उम्मीदवार सीआरई एम्स 2023 के लिए 17 नवंबर 2023 से आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि 01 दिसंबर 2023 तक एम्स नई दिल्ली परीक्षा पोर्टल aiimsexams.ac.in पर ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं।

Important Dates / महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ

आवेदन प्रारंभ तिथि: 17-11-2023
आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि:

पैनल संपादित करें: 06 से 07 दिसंबर 2023
एडमिट कार्ड संभावित तिथि:
परीक्षा तिथि (अस्थायी):
18/20 दिसंबर 2023

Application Fee / आवेदन शुल्क


 UR / BC/ EBC: -3000/-

SC/ST: - 2400/-

शुल्क का भुगतान BHIM UPI, नेट बैंकिंग, Visa, Master card, Maestro, RuPay Credit या Debit Card के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन किया जा सकता है।

Post Details / पोस्ट विवरण

    Post Name

Regular Non-Faculty Group-B & C posts

    Total Post


Vacancy Age Limit On 01-12 -2023

See Below Post Wise Age Limit.
(For Age Relaxation See Notification.)

Education Qualification / शैक्षणिक योग्यता

Post Name Age Limit Total Post Qualification
Assistant Administrative Officer 21-30 Years 13 Graduation Degree
Assistant Dietician 35 Years 04
  1. M.Sc. (Food and Nutrition)
  2. Two years experience in the line preferably in large teaching hospital.
Assistant Engineer (A/C & R) 35 Years 04 Graduate in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering with 5 years experience
Assistant Engineer (Civil) 35 Years 05 Graduate in Civil Engineering with 5 years experience
Assistant Engineer (Electrical) 35 Years 03 Graduate in Civil Engineering with 5 years experience
Assistant Laundry Supervisor 18-30 Years 13
  1. 12th pass or its equivalent
  2. Diploma/ Certificate in Dry Cleaning/ Laundry Technology
  3. 2 years experience in a reputed mechanized laundry
Assistant Store Officer/ Assistant Stores Officer 18-30 Years 03
  1. Graduation Degree
  2. Post-graduate degree/ Diploma in Material management OR

    Bachelor's Degree in Material management and 3 years experience in store handling

Audiologist & Speech Therapist/ Junior Audiologist/ Speech Therapist/ Technical Assistant (ENT)/ Jr. Audiologist/ Speech Therapist 21-30 Years 08 B.Sc. Degree in Speech and Hearing
Audiologist/ Speech Pathologist 21-35 Years 02 BASLP (Bachelors in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology)
Bio Medical Engineer 21-35 Years 01 B.E./ B.Tech in Bio Medical Engineering OR Diploma Bio Medical Engineering with 2 years experience in relevant field
Cashier 21-30 Years 31 Degree in Commerce or equivalent and
  1. At least 2 years experience of handling accounts work of a Government Organization
  2. Having proficiency in Computer Application
Chief Cashier 21-35 Years 01
  1. Graduate in Commerce
  2. Possessing five years' experience of handling cash and accounts work in Government Organization
Coding Clerk/ Medical Record Technicians/ Junior Medical Record Officer/ Junior Medical Record Officer (Receptionists)/ Medical Record Technicians/ Medical Record Technician(Record Clerk) 18-30 Years 199 B.Sc. (Medical Records) OR 10+2 (Science) with at least 6-month Diploma/ Certificate course in Medical Record Keeping and 2 years experience in Medical
CSSD Technicians 21-35 Years 03

B.Sc. (Microbiology or Medical Technology) with 3 years' experience in CSSD in a 200 bedded Hospital OR

Staff Nurse (A Grade Registratio) with two years' experience in CSSD in a 200 bedded Hospital OR

Theatre Assistant Course with four years' experience in CSSD in a 200 bedded Hospital

Dark Room Assistant Grade II 21-30 Years 10 Diploma in Radiography with one year experience
Data Entry Operator Grade - A 18-27 Years 02
  1. 12th Standard pass or equivalent
  2. Should possess a speed of not less than 8000 key depressions per hour for Data Entry Work
Dental Hygieneist/ Technical Officer/ Technical Officer (Dental)/ Dental Technical/ Dental Technician (Hygienist)/ Dental Technician (Mechanic)/ Technical Officer (Dental)/ Dental Technician 21-35 Years 14
  1. 10+2 with Science
  2. Diploma (minimum 2 years duration)
  3. Registered as Dental Hygienist/ Dental Mechanic
  4. 5 years experience in the relevant field
Dietician 21-35 Years 43
  1. M.Sc. (Home Science Food and Nutrition)/ M.Sc. (Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics)/ M.Sc. (Food Science & Nutrition)/ M.Sc. (Food and Nutrition Dietetics)/ M.Sc. (Food Service Management and Dietetics)
  2. 3 years experience in the line preferably in 200 bedded hospital
Dissection Hall Attendant 21-30 Years 10

10+2 or equivalent with one year experience OR

10th Pass with three years experience in the concerned department

Driver 18-27 Years 07
  1. 10 pass from a recognised Board
  2. LMV and HMV Commercial License
  3. 2 years experience of driving commercial vehicle
Electrician 35 Years 17
  1. 10th Class/ Standard or equivalent
  2. ITI Diploma Certificate in Electrician Trade
  3. Electrical Supervisory Certificate of Competency and Practical experience of 5 Years in erection and running/ maintenance
Embryologist 45 Years 02

MBBS Degree OR

M.Sc. in Life Science/ Zoology/ Microbiology/ Genetics/ Physiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Anatomy/ Endocrinolog OR

B.V.Sc. degree with 1 year experience in In-Vitro Fertilization Lab/ Clinic

Fire Technician/Security cum Fire Jamadar 18-27 Years 10 10+2 Pass
Gas/ Pump Mechanic 18-30 Years 08

10+2 in Science with 5 years experience in Medical Gas Pipeline System in a 200 Bedded Govt. Hospital OR

Trade Certificate or ITI Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 3 Years experience in Medical Gas Pipeline System in a 200 Bedded Hospital

Health Educator (Social Psychologist) 21-35 Years 01
  1. M.A./ M.Sc. Degree in Psychology
  2. Five years working experience with the Physically Challenged in a Rehabilitation Centre
Hindi Officer 21-35 Years 02 Master's degree in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level
Hospital Attendant Grade III (Nursing Orderly)/ Hospital Attendant Grade III (Nursing Orderly)/ Hospital Attendant Grade III (Stretcher Bearers) 18-30 Years 417
  1. Matriculation
  2. Certificate course in Hospital Services conducted by a recognized organisation ( such as St. Johns Ambulence)
Junior Accounts Officer/ Junior Accounts Officer (Accountant) 21-30 Years 22
  1. Graduate in Commerce
  2. Possessing two years experience of handling accounts work in Government Organization
Junior Administrative Assistant/ Lower Divisional Clerk/ Jr. Administrative Assistant(LDC)/ Lower Division Clerk 18-30 Years 142
  1. 12th class or equivalent pass
  2. Skill Test Norms on Computer Typing Speed @35 wpm in English or @30 wpm in Hindi
Junior Administrative Officer/ Office Assistant (N.S.)/ Executive Assistant (N.S.) 21-35 Years 123
  1. Degree or its equivalent
  2. Proficiency in Computers
Junior Engineer (A/ C&R)/ Junior Engineer (AC&R) 30 Years 13 Graduate in Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering
Junior Engineer (Civil) 30 Years 16 Graduate in Civil Engineering
Junior Engineer (Electrical) 30 Years 15 Graduate in Electrical Engineering
Junior Hindi Translator/ Junior Hindi Officer 18-30 Years 10 Master's degree in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level
Junior Physiotherapist 18-30 Years 07
  1. 10+2 in Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
  2. Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy/ Occupation therapy
Junior Reception Officer 35 Years 04 Graduation Degree
Junior Scale Steno (Hindi) 21-30 Years 01
  1. 12th class or equivalent pass
  2. Skill Test Norms Hindi shorthand at a speed of 64 wpm and transcription at a speed of 11 wpm and mistakes should not exceed 8%
Junior Store Officer/ Store Keeper 18-35 Years 66
  1. Graduation Degree
  2. Post-graduate degree/ Diploma in Material management OR

    Bachelor's Degree in Material management with 3 years experience in store handling (preferably medical stores)

Junior Warden (House Keepers) 30-45 Years 28 Graduate with 2 years experience as a Jr. Warden or equivalent in any college
Lab Attendants Grade II/ Lab Attendant Grade II 18-27 Years 103
  1. 10+2 with science
  2. Diploma in Medical Lab Technology
Lab Technician 21-30 Years 20
  1. 10+2 with science
  2. Diploma in Medical Lab Technology
Laundry Manager 50 Years 01
  1. 12th pass or its equivalent pass
  2. Diploma/ Certificate in Dry Cleaning/ Laundry Technology with 12 years experience in a reputed mechanized laundry
Laundry Supervisor 18-30 Years 09
  1. 12th pass or its equivalent pass
  2. Diploma/ Certificate in Dry Cleaning/ Laundry Technology with 2 years experience in a reputed mechanized laundry
Legal Assistant 30-40 Years 01 Graduate with experience of minimum three years assisting a qualified legal practioner/ firm or as Legal Assistant in Legal Department of a Govt. Organisation
Librarian Grade I/ Librarian Grade I (Documentalist) 21-35 Years 02
  1. Bachelor's degree in Library Science or Library and Information Service OR

    B.Sc. Degree or equivalent and Bachelors Degree or Post Graduate Diploma or equivalent in Library Science AND

  2. 5 years experience in a Library of repute
  3. Ability to use computers-Hand on experience in office application, spread sheets and presentations
Library And Information Assistant (Librarian Grade III) 21-30 Years 13
  1. Bachelor's degree in Library Science or Library and Information Service OR

    B.Sc. Degree or equivalent and Bachelors Degree or Post Graduate Diploma or equivalent in Library Science AND

  2. 5 years experience in a Library of repute
  3. Ability to use computers-Hand on experience in office application, spread sheets and presentations
Library Attendant Grade II 18-30 Years 05
  1. Matriculation or equivalent
  2. Experience of having worked in a Library for at least 2 years OR

    Certificate in Library Science/ Librarianship

Lineman (Electrical) 18-30 Years 04
  1. 10th Class/ Standard or equivalent
  2. ITI Diploma Certificate/ equivalent in related trade
  3. 2 years experience in relevant field
Manager/ Supervisor/ Gas Officer 30-40 Years 02
  1. Degree in Mechanical Engineering with 5 years working experience with Manifold or its repairs in supervisory capacity in a Medical Setup OR

    Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 7 years working experience with Manifold or its repairs in supervisory capacity in a Medical Setup

  2. Must be capable of carrying out work associated with the Medical Gas Managment distribution line, taps, cocks and outlets
Manifold Room Attendant 18-30 Years 04
  1. 10+2 with Science
  2. 3 years experience in Medical Gas Pipeline System in a 200 Bedded Hospital
Manifold Technician (Gas Steward)/ Manifold Technician (Gas Steward)/ Gas Keeper 25-35 Years 23

10+2 in Science with 7 years experience in Medical Gas Pipeline System in a 200 Bedded Govt. Hospital OR

Trade Certificate or ITI Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 5 Years experience in Medical Gas Pipeline System in a 200 Bedded Hospital

Mechanic (A/C & R)/ Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration) 18-40 Years 16
  1. Matriculation or equivalent
  2. ITI/ Diploma certificate in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning of a minimum of 12 months
  3. 2 years experience in installation and maintenance of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems
Mechanic (E & M) 18-30 Years 12
  1. 10th Class/ Standard or equivalent
  2. ITI Diploma Certificate in Electrician Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering
  3. Practical experience of 2 years in a workshop/ department dealing with operation and maintenance of mechanical/ Electrical plants
Medical Record Officer 21-35 Years 02
  1. Bachelor's degree preferable from Science
  2. Should have done one year course in Medical Record
  3. Not less than 5 years of experience in organizing and maintenance of medical records in not less than 200 Bedded Medical Hospital/ Institute
Medical Social Service Officer Grade I/ Medico Social Service Officer Grade I 21-35 Years 35
  1. MA (Social Work)/MSW, with specialization in Medical Social Work
  2. 5 years experience in a government or private sector hospital of minimum 200 beds
Medical Social Service Officer Grade II 35 Years 05
  1. Master degree in Social Work
  2. Experience in the line with a Welfare or Health Agency, preferably dealing with Medical Public/ Health Service
Medical Social Worker/ Medical Social Worker (MSW)/ Medico Social Worker 18-35 Years 05
  1. MA (Social Work)/MSW, with specialization in Medical Social Work
  2. 5 years experience in a government or private sector hospital of minimum 200 beds
Modellar (Artist)/ Artist (Modellar) 21-35 Years 38

Diploma/ Certificate in Fine Arts/ Commercial Arts/ Modeling with 2 years' experience in Illustration and modeling, in the concerned department OR

Matriculation/ equivalent with 5 years experience in the concerned department of a Medical College

Mortuary Attendant 18-30 Years 06 Matriculation
Multi-Rehabilitation Worker (Physiotherapist) 21-30 Years 04
  1. Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy with 2 Years' experience OR

    Diploma in Rehabilitation with 5 years experience

  2. Registered with the Physiotherapy council
Multi-Tasking Staff 18-30 Years 10
  1. Matriculation
  2. Certificate coure in Hospital Services conducted by a recognized organization (Such as St. Johns Ambulance)
Nuclear Medicine Technologist 18-30 Years 02 B.Sc. In Life science and other Science Plus one year diploma in Medical Radiation and isotope Techniques (DMRIT) or equivalent approved by AERB
Occupational Therapist 21-30 Years 01
  1. 10+2 in Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
  2. Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Therapy
  3. 2 years experience Registered with the Occupational Therapy Council
Office Attendant Grade II 30 Years 27 10th pass or ITI equivalent
Optometrist/ Technical Officer Ophthalmology (Refractionist)/ Technical Officer Ophthalmology 21-35 Years 12 B.Sc. In Ophthalmic Techniques or equivalent with 5 years experience in the relevant field
PACS Administrator 21-35 Years 01 B.E./ B.Tech/ MCA + 2 years experience in Medical IT Systems/ PACS
Perfusionist 18-30 Years 05
  1. B.Sc. Degree
  2. Certificate in Perfusion Technology after a training in a Centre with at least one year experience in Clinical Perfusion
Personal Assistant (PA)/ Personal Assistant/ PA to Principal (S) 18-30 Years 26

Graduation Degree

Dictation : 10 minutes @100wpm and Transcription : 40 minutes English or 55 minutes Hindi on a computer

Pharmacist/ Pharmacist Grade II/ Pharma Chemist/ Chemical Examiner/ Dispensing Attendant/ Dispensing Attendants 21-27 Years 100
  1. Diploma in Pharmacy
  2. Should be regisetered Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act 1948
Physiotherapist 21-30 Years 04
  1. 10+2 in Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
  2. Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
  3. 2 years experience Registered with the Physiotherapy Council
Plumber 18-30 Years 42 ITI Diploma Certificate/ equivalent n the Trade with at least 5 years practical experience
Private Secretary 18-30 Years 10
  1. Graduation Degree
  2. Dictation -7 Minutes @ 120wpm and Transcription -45 minutes English or 60 minutes Hindi on a Computer
Programmer 18-30 Years 05 B.Tech/ B.E (Computer Science/ Comp Engg.) OR Post-graduation in Sci/ Math etc. Or Post-graduation in Computer Application
Psychiatric Social Worker 18-35 Years 03
  1. M.A. Or M.Sc. Degree in Psychology/ Psychiatric Social Work
  2. Five years working experience in Vocational Guidance and counseling in Psychiatric Centre
Public Health Nurse 21-35 Years 02 B.Sc. (Hons) Nursing with 2 years of relevant experience
Sanitary Inspector Grade II 18-35 Years 37
  1. Pass in Class 12 + Health Sanitary Inspector Course (1 year duration)
  2. Not less than 4 years' of experience in a 200 bedded hospital
Senior Administrative Assistant/ Upper Division Clerk/ Senior Administrative Assistant (UDC) 21-30 Years 39
  1. Graduation Degree
  2. Proficiency in Computers
  3. Computer Typing Speed @35 wpm in English or @30 wpm in Hindi
Senior Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration) 18-40 Years 02
  1. Matriculation or equivalent
  2. ITI/ Diploma Certificate in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning of a minimum of 12 months. 8 Years experience in installation and Maintenance of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems
Senior Nursing Officer/ Staff Nurse Grade I 21-35 Years 555
  1. B.Sc. Nursing (4 Years Course) OR
  2. B.Sc. (Post-Certificate) or equivalent such as B.Sc. Nursing (Post-Basic) (2 Years Course)
Senior Technician (Laboratory)/ Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor) 40 Years 12
  1. B.Sc. In Medical Lab Technology or equivalent
  2. 10 Years' experience in the concerned field OR
  3. 10+2 with Science with Diploma in OT techniques or equivalent with 13 years experience in concerned field
Social Worker 18-35 Years 03 10+2 from a recognized board and 8 years experience as Social Worker
Statistical Assistant 18-30 Years 02 M.Sc. (Statistics)/ MA (Stat/ Maths.Economics/ Sociology) with Statistic as a paper
Stenographer 18-27 Years 86

12th class or equivalent

Dictation : 10 minutes @80 wpm and Transcription : 50 minutes English or 65 minutes Hindi on a computer

Store Attendant Grade II 30 Years 08 10th pass or ITI equivalent
Store Keeper cum clerk 30 Years 69 Graduate with one year experience in handling stores
Tailor Grade III 18-27 Years 04
  1. 10th Standard pass
  2. Certificate from ITI or any other recognised Institution in the trade of Tailoring
TB & Chest Disease Health Assistant 21-30 Years 02

B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing OR

Diploma in Nursing with 2 years' relevant experience

Technical Assistant/ Technician (Laboratory)/ Technicians (Laboratory)/ Laboratory Technician/ Technician (Laboratory) 25-35 Years 180
  1. B.Sc. In Medical Lab Technology or equivalent
  2. Five Years experience in concerned field OR
  1. Diploma in Medical Lab Technology or equivalent
  2. 8 Years experience in the concerned field
Technician (OT)/ Technicians (Laboratory) (OT)/ Technical Assistant/ Technician (OT)/ Technical Assistant/ Technician (Anesthesia/ Operation theatre) 25-35 Years 104
  1. B.Sc. In OT techniques or equivalent with 5 years' experience in concerned field OR
  2. 10+2 with science with Diploma in OT techniques or equivalent with 8 years experience in concerned field
Technician (Prosthetics and Orthotics) 21-30 Years 12

Bachelor's Degree in Prosthetics & Orthotics

Registration with the Rehabilitation Council of India

Technician (Radiology Radiographic Technician Grade II) 21-35 Years 34

B.Sc. (Hons) (3 years course) in Radiography OR

Diploma in Radiography with 2 years experience

Technician (Radiotherapy)/ Technicians (Radiotherapy) 21-30 Years 07
  1. 10+2 with science Subjects or equivalent
  2. Diploma (02 years course) in Radiology/ Radiotherapy technician
  3. 01 year experience as Radiographer/ Radiotherapy technician OR

    B.Sc. (3 years course) in Radiography/ Radiotherapy

Technician (Radiographic Technician Grade I)/ Technicians (Radiology) 21-35 Years 06

B.Sc. (Hons) (3 years course) in Radiography OR

Diploma in Radiography with 2 years experience

Transplant Coordinator 40 Years 01 Graduate of Medicine OR Nurse OR Bachelor's Degree in any subject and preferable Master's degree in Social Work or Psychiatry or Sociology or Social Science or Public Health
Transport Supervisor 21-30 Years 02 Graduation Degree or its equivalent with 2 years experience of managing vehicles in Government Organization
Vocation Counsellor 21-35 Years 01
  1. Post Graduate degree in Psychology
  2. Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology/ Vocational Counselling/ Vocation Guidance and Training/ Vocational Rehabilitation
  3. 3 years experience in the rehabilitation of the orthopedically handicapped in a recognized Institution/ Hospital
Warden (Hostel Warden) 35-40 Years 14

Graduation Degree

Diploma/ Certificate in House Keeping/ Material Management/ Public Relations/ Estate Management

Possessing two years experience of handling hostels in Government/ Reputed Organization

Wireman 18-30 Years 56
  1. 10th Class/ Standard or equivalent
  2. ITI Diploma Certificate in Electrician Trade
  3. Electrical workman certificate of Competency and Practical experience of 5 years in electrician trade
Yoga Instructor 21-35 Years 04
  1. Graduate Degree with Diploma in Yoga OR Graduate in Yoga Sciences AND
  2. Five years experience of teaching and training of Yoga in a recognized Institution
Operator (E&M)/ Lift Operator 18-30 Years 12
  1. 10th Class/ Standard or equivalent
  2. ITI Diploma Certificate/ equivalent in related trade
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