Apply For BHU School Admission 2022- LKG, Nursery, Class 1 Banaras Hindu University (BHU) Invites Online Application Form for Taking Admission in Central Hindu Girls’ School (CHGS) And Central Hindu Boys’ School (CHBS) In the Classes VI, IX And XI For School Admission - 2022. Read the Full Notification Before Apply. | |
Important Dates | Entrance Test Fee |
Start Date: 01-04-2022 Last Date: 30-04-2022 Date Of Correction If Any in Online Application Form: May 02 to 07, 2022 | General/ OBC: Rs.400/- SC/ ST: Rs.200/- Online Payment Through Credit Card/ Debit Card Through the Payment Gateway Available on The Admission Portal. |
Age Limitation | Total Seat |
Age As On: 30.09.2022 For class VI :10-12 years For class IX :13-15 years For class XI (Maximum Age) :18 Years | 527 |
Admission Schedule | |
Tentative date of E-lottery for Class VI & IX | May 28, 2022 |
Tentative date for Display of Main/ Waiting List for Class VI & IX | May 30, 2022 |
The class X exam score for admission to class XI will be uploaded within one week after the result declaration. | |
Tentative date for Display of Merit List for Class XI | June 30, 2022 |
Eligibility Criteria | |
For class VI 10 Years to 12 years age as on September 30, 2022 i.e., date of birth will not be before 30.09.2010 and after 30.09.2012 and passed class V examination from a recognized school. For class IX 13 Years to 15 years age as on September 30, 2022 i.e., date of birth will not be before 30.09.2007 and after 30.09.2009 and passed class VIII examination from a recognized school. For class XI 18 Years maximum age as on September 30, 2022 i.e., date of birth will not be before 30.09.2004 and passed class X examination from a recognized Board/University with the required percentage. For external candidates: Class VI and IX through E-lottery Class XI on merit basis of class X Examination, details are as under: 60% marks and above in class X marks or equivalent grade in aggregate for admission in Science Stream. 50% marks and above or equivalent grade is essential in each, Maths and Science. 55% and above in class X marks or equivalent grade in aggregate for commerce. Class X passed for Arts stream. In addition to the above a candidate (excluding SC/ST/OH) shall be eligible for admission to the above classes only if he/she has secured a minimum of 33% in the previous class. These criteria will also apply in case of the sons and daughters of the BHU employees. | |
School Wise Seat Details | |
CHGS: Class VI – 90, IX – 11, XI Maths Stream– 17, XI Biology Stream – 16, XI Commerce Stream– 25 and XI Arts Stream – 40. CHBS: Class VI – 90, IX –100, XI Maths Stream– 38+50*, XI Biology Stream– 25, XI Commerce Stream– 13 and XI Arts Stream– 12. Note for class XI: *50 seats are reserved for Maths group only for external candidates except BHU Employee category through School Admission. In CHBS there is also a provision of 05 seats in each section of class XI only on the basis of merit after the cut off list of merit in the Paid Seat Category as per BHU UET/PET norms. (Maths group- 20 seats, Biology group- 10 seats, Commerce group- 5 seats, Arts group- 5 seats) However, possibility of number of seats for external candidates in both the schools in addition to the above will depend upon the availability of seats after the admission of internal candidates. | |
Important Link | |
Apply Online | |
Applicant Login | |
Download Information Bulletin | |
Official Website | |
"Tech Bettiah" ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर आपका बहुत-बहुत स्वागत है. हमारे Website पर तजा न्यूज़,न्यू टेक्नोलॉजी,सरकारी नौकरी, एडमिट कार्ड, एडमिशन फॉर्म, रिजल्ट, सरकारी योजना, सभी टॉपिक्स पर अलग- अलग तरह की जानकारी पोस्ट किया जाता हैं, दोस्तो अगर हमलोगों का पोस्ट अच्छा लगे तो कमेन्ट करके जरुर बताए| | |
BHU School CHGS, CHBS Admission Online Form 2022
अप्रैल 14, 2022